Saturday 4 July 2015

Graduate abducted and killed by father's business client

A 34-year-old graduate of the University of Benin, Enero Ukonga, had just returned home after completing his Masters in Business Administration ,MBA, course in Turkey and was making an attempt to prepare for his PHD in the United States.
While he was in his Opebi, Lagos family home,one Osaretin Enabulele, accompanied by 4 others identified as Elisha Jonah, Kazeem Ibrahim, Charles Timinnemi, a Medical student in Romania who was on holiday and the fourth identified simply as Fred visited him.The lead man, Enabulele , an importer who resides in Benin city, Edo state, was said to have told Uknonga’s father, a retired Customs officer,who is a clearing and forwarding agent, on the phone, that he was bringing the original copy of the bill of laden of a 1 by 40 feet container, to facilitate its clearance from the Apapa Port in Lagos.

Enabulele was said to have requested Ukonga to follow him to the car to get the document for his father who was then in Benin city .

But apprehension reportedly set in after Ukonga’s friend(names withheld) reportedly waited in vain for his return. Curiously, he stepped out of the house to look for him but did not see him and didn't see any of the visitors either.

 However, as he searched for Ukonga, he reportedly stood still with his mouth open in shock, on seeing Ukonga’s pair of slippers in a disarrayed manner. Sensing trouble, he reportedly put a call to Ukonga’s phone only to discover it was switched off. Thereafter, he contacted his father who was in Benin city, to inform him of the ugly development before reporting the matter at the area ‘F’ division.

The police reportedly swung into action but their effort proved abortive. It was gathered that the case was transferred from area ‘’F ‘to the Special Anti Robbery Squad , SARS for further investigation. It was gathered that effort to reach the main suspect , Enabulele failed . Operatives were said to have travelled to the suspect’s home at 4, Ehigie street, off Aiaohan, Dumex road, Benin city, where his girlfriend and his brother were arrested but later released.

 Preliminary investigation by operatives of SARS revealed that the main suspect had bolted to Ghana, following claims by some of his friends that he called them with a foreign number informing that he was in Ghana. But when the number was dialled, he reportedly did not pick his call. Investigation at SARS, lingered for six months without any headway.

Determined to unearth the mystery surrounding his son’s whereabouts, Mr Benjamin further lodged a complaint with the Department of Security Service ,DSS. This action paid off, as one of the men who reportedly visited that fateful day was arrested in January 2015, six months after.

  He is Elisha Jonah. Jonah as gathered, was arrested mid January, through Enero Ukuoga’s stolen Black Berry phone. The phone was said to have been traced to a user in Ikeja, Lagos. By the time the user was arrested, he told the DSS operatives that he bought it from a friend. At the end , it was discovered that five persons had used the phone, with the seller traced to Jonah .

Jonah’s confessional statement reportedly led to the arrest of one Kasim Ibrahim, popularly called big daddy, on March 17, 2015.

During interrogation, the duo gave a starling disclosure of the whereabouts of the missing Ukonga . They revealed that he was dead and had been buried in a shallow grave at Abesan’s estate, Iyana Ipaja area of Lagos, close to Kazeem’s house.
When the cat was let out of the bag, Mr Ukuoga reportedly lost balance and slumped on one of the seats in the office of the DSS. By the time he came back, he reportedly gave a blank stare at the suspects , apparently trying to fathom their claim. When he managed to say a word, he reportedly started by asking amid tears “what on earth could have warranted such cruel act on an innocent person?
At this point, the DSS reportedly transferred the case to the Force Criminal

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