Tuesday 15 March 2016

Migrants place babies and toddlers on TRAIN TRACKS

PICTURED: Migrants place babies and toddlers on TRAIN TRACKS to protest 'RACIST' bordersMigrant crisis

THESE shocking pictures show migrants placing their children on train tracks to highlight the growing humanitarian crisis.

The youngsters – including babies and toddlers – were placed on tracks on the Greece-Macedonia border in a shocking protest this weekend.
They held pieces of cardboard bearing slogans such as "Open the borders" and "Everyone has the right to live".
Another placard accused countries of "racism" for not re-opening their borders as Europe struggles to deal with the crisis.
The children are among thousands of refugees stranded in Greece after Austria, Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia all cracked down on the flow of migrants.
After the restrictions were put in place, Macedonia's president warned a staggering 20 million migrants are "waiting to come to Europe".
Gjorge Ivanov added: "The refugee flow won't end, because everyone knows everything via Twitter and Facebook."
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The placards hit out at EU countries for closing their borders
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They are among thousands of refugees stranded in Greece
And Austria's Interior Minister claimed the so-called Western Balkans route, popular with migrants trying to reach the EU, will remain closed "permanently".
Johanna Mikl-Leitner said European countries need to make a "consistent signal" to deter migrants from reaching our shores.
The move will help "preserve stability and order for the people in Europe", she added.
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The Western Balkans route is expected to remain closed
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Hundreds of adults also joined in the protest on Saturday
The European Union's migration commissioner has predicted Greece could receive another 100,000 migrants by the end of month.
Dimitris Avramopoulos claimed the EU is working to revise its asylum system to ensure a "fairer distribution of the burden and the responsibility".
But he added: "Hundreds are arriving on a daily basis and Greece is expected to receive another 100,000 by the end of the month."

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