Sunday 13 March 2016

Nauru election: former presidents say moves to 'rig' result under way

Nauru election: former presidents say moves to 'rig' result under way

Marcus Stephen and Sprent Dabwido urge international observers to intervene as Baron Waqa’s government seeks re-election
Two former Nauruan presidents have accused the government of making moves to “rig” the upcoming election and have called for international observers to arrive early and intervene.
Nauru's president, Baron Waqa, in Papua New GuineaIn letters seen by Guardian Australia, the two former leaders, Marcus Stephen and Sprent Dabwido, have asked the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and the Commonwealth Secretariat for assistance “addressing critical governance issues” in the island nation.
“The situation in Nauru cannot be approached as simply a difference of opinion between political groupings,” Dabwido and Stephen wrote.
“Facts demonstrate that the [Baron] Waqa government has already taken actions that unfairly alter the course of election preparations, including to introduce unfair barriers for potential candidates from standing.
“The Waqa government is contemplating further actions which would directly influence the outcome of the election in order to ensure they retain power. It is our view that, even at this early stage, this year’s parliamentary general elections in Nauru cannot be determined to be free and fair.”
The letter listed grievances and accusations, including the suspension of opposition members from parliament, visa cancellations and deportations, allegations of misappropriated funds and travel allowances, and crackdowns onprotests, press access and social media.
The opposition MPs also labelled two recent changes to legislation as government attempts to build a “massive deterrent” to alternative candidates. One required any new candidate who worked in the public service to resign three months before polling day and a second increased the candidate fee from $100 to $2,000.
Dabwido told Guardian Australia the changes were brought in because the government said it didn’t want “any Tom Dick or Harry” running for office.
“But that goes against a free and fair election when only the rich people can put their name up and the ordinary guy on the street can’t put his name up as a member of parliament,” said Dabwido.
Coupled with other changes to election finances this meant “the current government will be the only one who can afford to run an election campaign”, he said.
Senior member of the opposition and former justice minister Mathew Batsiua said the government’s actions were “a deliberate attempt to rig and make the upcoming elections unfair”.
He said international observers – who had already been invited by the Nauruan government for the election – should begin monitoring right away.
“Instead of just observing the conduct in election week, they should really start taking notes and analysing the actions unfolding in Nauru at the moment because they have a direct bearing on the fairness of the election,” he said.
Dabwido said: “We’re hoping if they see this action they could express a view from all the leaders to declare that this election is not fair.
“Hopefully then they could take more appropriate measures to change the way this election is going to be run.”
The letters, which the former leaders said were on behalf of all opposition MPs, said a failure by the Commonwealth Secretariat and PIF secretary general to examine the allegations “would be a failure of both organisations to come to the aid of the people they were established to protect”.
It asked the organisations to send skilled and experienced observers who would not “shy away from being able highlight and address deficiencies and issues of concern”.
The request, Guardian Australia understands, was in reference to unhappiness among opposition members with the conduct of a Commonwealth Secretariat delegation sent in December. The delegation spoke to members of government and one opposition member, and found concerns over the rule of law were being addressed.
Dabwido and Batsiua are among a number of opposition MPs who have been suspended from parliament since mid-2014, accused at the time of high treason for speaking to international media. The two were also charged over a protest outside parliament last year over alleged government corruption.
Dabwido acknowledged he faced potential consequences for speaking to media again now.
“I am facing seven years jail already for the protest but right now, for talking to you, they passed a law last year which said you cannot criticise the government,” he said.
“I’m expecting the police to come in the next day or two and say you’ve been charged for talking to the media.”
The Nauruan government has been contacted for comment.

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