Friday 11 March 2016

At least 45 terror suspects' fingerprints and DNA samples must be destroyed due to police 'delays'

At least 45 terror suspects' fingerprints and DNA samples must be destroyed due to police 'delays'

Britain holds biometrics on nearly 8,000 suspects, it emerges, as watchdog reveals errors by police mean some samples must be deleted

Fingerprints and DNA of at least 45 terror suspects must be destroyed after police errors, it has emerged, as new figures revealed biometric details of nearly 8,000 individuals are held on counter-terrorist databases.
An official Government watchdog said police forces failed to complete paperwork which would have allow biometric data to be stored indefinitely.
The error means potentially vital forensic evidence will be lost at a time when Britain is in a high state of terror alert.
Police are forced to destroy the fingerprints and DNA samplesof terror suspects who are not chargedThe report by Alastair MacGregor QC, the Commissioner for the Retention and Use of Biometric Material, also revealed for the first time that the total number of terror suspects on whom biometric material is now being held in Britain has reached 7,800.
The number is far higher than previous indications.
In September Andrew Parker, the director general of MI5, said more than 3,000 jihadists born and brought up in Britain were being monitored by the police and security services.
Some years earlier, in 2008, the Security Service was reported to have believed the number of potential terrorists living in this country could run to 4,000, of whom it had identified about half.
Regarding the biometric material that is to be destroyed, the commissioner said law enforcement agencies had missed legal deadlines due to “handling and other delays”.
A Home Office study warnsof several potential pitfalls if the UK finally agrees to join the EU 2Prum" projectThe forensic samples and fingerprints are from suspects who have been arrested by police but never charged.
The law requires material from suspects against whom no charges are brought to be destroyed or deleted within six months, but senior police officers can apply for them to be held indefinitely if they apply for a “national security declaration”, or NSD.
Mr MacGregor said police had told him “urgent steps” were now being taken to “procure the speedy deletion” of biometrics that had remained on the counter-terrorism databases beyond their lawful retention date.
“I understand that by October 31 2015 handling and other delays had led to a situation in which the statutory retention periods in respect of the biometric records of at least some 450 individuals had expired before NSDs could be or had been made in relation to them,” said Mr MacGregor in his annual report.
“Although it seems unlikely that NSDs would have been applied for and made in relation to more than a small proportion of those records, I also understand that in about 10 per cent of those cases it is possible that NSDs would have been applied for.
“Indeed, in at least three of those cases such applications had in fact been made and approved."
Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Metropolitan Police CommissionerNSDs allow biometrics to be kept for up to two years and chief constables have an option to renew them if they can make a case in the interests of national security.
DNA plays a vital role in terrorist investigations by proving - or disproving - the movements of suspects and helping police link individuals with firearms, explosives and locations, including vehicles.
The commissioner added: “In May of 2015 [Scotland Yard’s] Joint Forensic Intelligence Team (JFIT) raised with me concerns about the possibility that biometric material that has been obtained from an arrestee in the context of a terrorism-related investigation – and that should be retained pursuant to an NSD – will in fact be lost because it will be impossible to arrange for an NSD to be made in the time available.”
The Metropolitan Police is now developing an “emergency” form which will allow the material to be retained for up to four months in exceptional circumstances.
The material connected with the 450 suspects – including at least 45 for whom there are national security concerns - is now being destroyed, the 122-page report said.
Steps are being taken to ensure “similar errors are avoided in the future”.
Mr MacGregor’s report also disclosed that national counter-terrorism databases hold material on 7,800 suspects, up from 6,500 two years ago.
About 55 per cent of the latest total, or 4,350 individuals, have never been convicted of a recordable offence.
Mr MacGregor said when he attempted to include similar figures in his report last year “it had been suggested to me that it would be contrary to the interests of national security”.
The commissioner raised concerns in 2014 about the police's storage of mugshots and other photographs - but the new report said little had changed.
"Although it is now some 18 months since I first raised those concerns with the police and with Home Office officials, the position ‘on the ground’ appears to remain much as it was when I submitted my 2014 report," he said.
"Police forces in England and Wales have continued to upload custody images ... regardless of whether the individuals in question have or have not been convicted of, or even charged with, an offence.
"I am concerned at the absence of any substantial progress in relation to these matters."
Daniel Nesbitt, research director of Big Brother Watch, said: “This report raises a number of important concerns that will just pile more pressure on the Home Office to sort out its approach to biometric technology.
"That police forces are still uploading custody photos; of often innocent people, to the Police National Computer with no oversight or regulation is a disgrace.
“The commissioner also paints a picture of confusion with the police deleting biometric records which could have been retained and retaining profiles that should have been deleted.
“It is clear that the Home Office needs to start providing real leadership on the issue, the longer we wait for the overdue biometrics strategy the harder it is going to be to build an effective system to regulate this technology and protect the privacy of citizens.”

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