Saturday 12 March 2016

Landmark boycott victory as G4S leaves Israel

Landmark boycott victory as G4S leaves Israel

London based security firm G4S will break ties with Israel after a successful campaign by BDS

G4S, one of the world’s biggest security and imprisonment firms, has announced it plans to end all its business with Israel within the next 12 to 24 months.
Landmark boycott victory as G4S leaves IsraelIn its full year report G4S included the sales of its Israeli business as well as US “youth justice services” and UK “children’s services.” to increase profits and improve the company’s “strategic focus.”
This latest announcement makes G4S the latest multinational company – following transport and municipal services firm Veolia, telecom giant Orange and construction materials conglomerate CRH – to leave Israel in the wake of sustained campaigns by the BDS movement.

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